Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Funny Names Nicaraguans Call Each Other

Boy, that last post was kind of a downer, wasn't it? Here's some lighter stuff. Now that I'm picking up more jerga, slang, I've been realizing that people call each other pretty goofy names and it seemed time to catalog them. I would love to know the etymologies on some of these....

poofi- My host siblings call each other this sometimes (but I've heard other people use it too). Its quite possibly the goofiest thing I've heard in Nicanol.
prix- Y entonces, prix?= (roughly) What's up, dude?
cunado- this means brother in law but can be used to mean friend/"man", too
la jaña- this is a slightly despective or at least very informal word for girlfriend, or "chick"
el broder- friend. "Mi broder"  Etymology on this one is less mysterious.
pippi- generic term for a child.
el/la maje-I think this term is Costa Rican, which is why it is far more common in Rio San Juan (which borders Costa Rica) than in other parts of Nicaragua. It basically means "dude."
Si, hombre!- Literally: Yes, man. Used to add emphasis to something you're saying. There are many situations when this phrase seems comical to me: when women use it with other women, and when people direct it to small children.

1 comment:

  1. The 4 year old in my training family used to come in during breakfast and tell me, "Albita, andAte a clase, hombre!"
    Silly 4 year old girl calling me a man. :)
    As a side note, usually I was not late for class. And she was.
