Monday, April 28, 2014

Ghosts of Economic Models Past: A Poem

An  amateur attempt at poetry.

                                            One of several rusting hulks that inspired this...

Ghosts of Economic Models Past

"How many people prosper in times of prosperity? How many people find their lives developed by development?"
Eduardo Galeano, "Those Little Numbers and People"

Rusting in the mud of the jungle
And in the depths of the Rio San Juan
Lie steamboat wrecks
Nowadays this is nowhere
People live with palm rooves, questionable electricity and laughable medical care
But back in the day
The river was hopping
As Vanderbuilt's shipping line sent workers to California for the gold rush
Undoubtedly as well as some important packages
Sure, it wasn't the Silk Road
But they passed on through alright
Until history passed the steamship by.
But hey, all the jungle creatures ain't complaining,
Hear them roar.

If you start to look for them,
There are more jungle wrecks with stories to tell
Like in mi pueblo
Once a busy port for rubber and precious wood
Now just the marketplace of nostalgia
Just outside town
The iron skeleton of a rice storage plant sulks pathetically
Somoza's cronies owned a plantation
And then the Sandinistas nationalized it
And then that damned widow sold it off
Doña Violeta!
Who also sold off the railroads, and Lord knows what else
To sate the appetites of the gods of structural adjustment

So what remains?
Fishermen netting a few catches for other mouths
Cattle ranchers grinding down what remains of the forest
Cacao cooperatives growing for the Germans
Talk about modern day gold!
Orange pickers working 16 hour days for laughable wages
A few painters capturing the delicate balance

But now, the great arrivals!
Tourism trickles in
And...much awaited and lauded
Other people's infrastructure!
A bridge to link us with the Ticos
With their light skin and low wages
But don't you forget it, the biggest attraction is still to come!
Prophesied for over a century, will it finally come to pass?
A Chinese interoceanic canal to cleave the landscape
Shrouded in mystery and ambiguity
But development! And jobs! Poverty will be a thing of the past!

Ah, yes. The obligatory script. 

I've got a feeling Mother Nature's got something to say about this
As she trembles and shakes
Refuses to ripen the mangoes properly
Sends the rains just a bit to early
In good time we'll see who wins this great game

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