Monday, June 30, 2014

Don't give me an offer I can't refuse

Dear Romeo Santos,

I've reached my breaking point. I've been prompted to write this blog post because I'm stuck in a room with someone who has your song "Propuesta Indecente" as their ringtone. Mr. Popular has gotten about 10 phone calls in about as many minutes, and just hearing the fake French intro has got my feminist hackles up. If you'll give me just a moment of your time, I'll explain why.

As you probably know, your song has made it huge in Latin America, if its popularity in Nicaragua is any indication of regional trends. When I first heard it back in December, I thought it was pretty catchy and sexy and so I downloaded it. Only then, when I actually listened to the lyrics did I realize how horribly machista it is. And since it's played at least once daily on the radio, we get to hear your cloying attempts at seduction over and over again. Romeo, you are better than this!

Let's take a look.

Hola, me llaman Romeo, es un placer conocerla… (Hi, my name is Romeo, it's a pleasure to meet you!)
You start off so great! Introducing yourself so politely!!

Que bien te ves, te adelanto no me importa quién sea El.
(You look great, just let me be up front and say I don't give a damn who that guy is)
This is the next thing you say?? BRO!!!!!!!!! Step off!! Respect her decision to be with her current pareja! Also, don't you want to at least know her name? 

After some other ramblings, we arrive to your chorus. 

Si te invito una copa y me acerco a tu boca, Si te robo un besito a ver te enojas conmigo
(If I buy you a drink, and draw close to your mouth, if I rob a kiss, let's see if you get mad at me)
Here's a thought: maybe instead of trying to awkwardly get her drunk and make out with her, you could ASK if she's into it.
Si te falto el respeto y luego culpo al alcohol, Si levanto tu falda me darias el derecho 

De medir tu sensataz
(If I lack respect and blame the booze, If I lift your skirt, will you give me the right to measure your judgement)
Maybe instead of being a drunken lout and trying to conquistar you should ask her what she wants. Because last time I checked, having two X chromosones doesn't dis-entitle you from having an opinion. Side note, but don't you find the verb conquistar rather creepy?   Do we need to review what happened to Native American women during the Conquest? O right. Lots of rape. Which is pretty much what you're trying to pull off here. 

Relajate que este Martini calmara tu timidez (Relax, this Martini will calm down your timidness)

(Hey, listen, I know what you like…)

I'm not for censorship or anything, but you know what would be great? If your song would just go away. Because it is the last thing that millions of youth need to hear. Boys don't need to be taught to be sexual aggressive bullies, just as girls don't need to be taught to be sexually submissive and to just wait around to be conquested.
Especially in places like Nicaragua, where things like teen pregnancy,
domestic violence, sexual violence and low self esteem are rampant. 

You know what would be the most beautiful thing in the world, Romeo? If you would use your star power, angel voice and smooth bachata rhythms to write a song about women that does not objectify us, treat us like a possession to be won, vilify us, glorify sexual harrassment, or continue the all-suffering woman for the sake of the children image. Write a song in which women have (sexual) agency. Write a song in which Latinas are the powerful protaganistas that we know them to be. 

K thanks.

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