Thursday, June 26, 2014

It´s the most wonderful time of the year!

Words of the day:
regalar- to gift something
chocoyo- parakeet

It's officially my favorite time of year in Nicaragua: early rainy season. There are often rain showers in the afternoon, which make for great napping. Sometimes, it even rains enough to do away with the oppressive heat. Things are getting greener again, and much more lush, although the Pacific Coast is very behind on rain this year. Even here in Rio San Juan we're a little light on it; I managed to dry my laundry in only one day today, practically unheard of.

More importantly, it's high mango season. The mangoes are so ripe that all over town, you can periodically hear the heavy thud of fruit making contact with tin rooves. It's the strangest sound in the world, a thud that should be sinister, but actually marks the arrival of sweetness. The chocoyos know what's up: they raucously swarm in the trees, feasting obsencely.  As do the children, who throw rocks skyward and climb up trees, seeking to snare snacks.

Nicaraguans this time of year become even more incredibly generous than they usually are. Everyone here is starting to get tired of eating mangos, and pretty much any household that has a tree is likely to gift you mangoes when you visit. This works out wonderfully for me, because I can easily eat 5 mangoes or more a day, and while they are cost about 5 US cents at this point, free is still better. I'm attempting to eat as many mangoes as possible now so that I won't miss them as much when I'm back in the states and they're a $1 each for a variety that cannot possibly hope to rival the sweet tangy wonderful mouth explosion that is a perfectly ripened mango rosa.

The same goes for avocados: people are trying to get rid of avocadoes, now that they are all ripening at the same time and can't be stored. This is again, amazing. Guacamole daily, for basically free!

Hence the awesome food stache, all regalar-ed!!

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