Word of the Day: Heavy (pronounced “Jevi”): good, great
I also wondered why ads for Subway sandwhiches said "Se puso heavy", since Subway always markets how they can make you less fat than other fast food...silly chilenismos.
I had Caldillo de Congrio today for the first time because my host mom made it for dinner!
Guess who wrote a really good poem about it: Pablo Neruda! Contrary to this blog, there are tons of other AWESOME chilean poets, who should probably be getting more due in this increasingly long travel document. I'll get on that...
Oda al caldillo de congrio/ Ode to Eel Soup (Or Chowder)
I'm actually not gonna put the whole poem up because it's really long AND it reformats it. But read it, it's really good.
English: http://spanishpoems.blogspot.com/2005/02/pablo-neruda-oda-al-caldillo-de-congrio.html
Also, the yogurt guinda (cherry yogurt) flavor at Emporio la Rosa is pretty much the best dessert I've ever had. Mild exageration, but rich frozen yogurt + real cherries= a very good idea.
I'm sure I'll get around to trying the ice cream of other establishments eventually, but it's hard when theirs is SO good.
cadillo de congrio is something that Auntie Laurie and i would definately enjoy. i miss my eels - especially on Christmas Eve!!!