I've gotten used to a lot. These, not so much.
1) Being helped off buses
- I would like this aspect of Chilean culture if it were equally applied as a gesture of goodwill. But apparently, since I am a woman, despite being young and perfectly able bodied, I cannot walk down stairs without aid. Right.
2) Lack of Steak Knives
Maybe this is difficult because I'm just starting to eat meat again, but this has been really problematic for me lately...
3)Public Displays of Affection (PDA)
Just when I was getting used to people being all lovey dovey, I had to sit across the aisle for an entire 6 HOURS of a couple full on making out while spooning in their bus seat. Ack.
4) Slang
I understand the basic slang now. But I can't actually bring myself to say "cachai" or "si, po" or "huevon" in real life. I think I would feel like even more of a poser for using local words when my actual spanish sounds something like "I have killed my camera. I wait to show to you pictures in morning."
5) Payment
Paying for things in Chile is incredibly inefficient. It does however employ a lot of extra people, which I assume is why it is practiced. In many small stores, you tell a person behind the counter what you want, they write a small script with the price, you walk to another counter, pay and come back to the original counter to pick up your merc. Oy. Ok, so not a huge inconvenience, but I always forget and then it's awkward.
The one thing I never got used to was the instant coffee....ick.